Friday, July 31, 2009

Fakahatchee grass isn't fun to drive through. Not too much fun to trim either. Victor carves a way down #7 cart path
Spraying weeds in the summertime is a never ending job. Julio is in action on #11 North.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

#4 ladies tee has been our slowest tee to recover from our cultivation practices.
Here is a view from #3 tee. We had damage on the left side of the tee from one of our machines. This area will have no problem growing in - just takes a little time and patience. Fertilizer helps too

For the last two weeks while the golf course is healing up we've been doing a lot of detail work.
Here's #3 greenside - Fresh edge on Traps and waste bunkers

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mole crickets from #9 of the Preserve. These little critters can cause a lot of turf damage. Kind of interesting -they are known to be extra active on nights with a full moon.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

If you have seen spots like this on the golf course, mole crickets are really starting to eat away at the turf. We are in the process of treating for the crickets. Click on the pic to enlarge to get a better view.
#9 green 20 days after aerification. We also verticut the greens this morning. Holes are filling in nice!

#9 green 12 days after aerification

#9 green 6 days after aerification

#1 Green
#1 Approach

#1 Fairway bunker. All have been edged and ready to be manicured next week

#1 Fairway

The golf course is healing up well. Here are a few pics of #1 North. This is #1 Tee 21 days after closure

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

#17 SWP finished product after sand application.
Dumping the cores in a utility vehicle

Mike sweeps up the cores on #17 green

Here's a few pics of maintenance being done at the Preserve.
Juan Pedro Aerifying #17 green

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

#1 collar after debris has been vacuumed up. Now that they are softer and loosened up these will be rolled in effort to reduce the "mounding" that is on some collars.
#1 collar after verticutting

Up close pic of #1 collar being walk verticut. Marco has already made two passes around the green. This process allows oxygen to get into the soil profile and provides room for new growth.

After aerification Marco walk verticuts the collars to chop up the aerification cores and cut even more thatch out of the turf.

We started working on the collars today. Here is #1 North after aerification.

Monday, July 13, 2009

#1 South greenside bunkers - finished product
#1 South greenside bunker cleaned out and new sand dumped - ready to be spread!

#1 South fairway bunkers cleaned out

We've also started rennovating some of the bunkers on the South. This is #18 fairway bunker loaded with rocks and unwanted debris.

This is #9 green 12 days after aerification in the same location.
This is a repeat picture of #9 green 6 days after aerification.

Vicente is blowing debris off #8 black tee
Christian circle cutting #8 red/yellow tee.

We dragged the greens to seperate the sand from the debris and then blew the debris off the green. Here is Marco and Manuel fertilizing #7 green after it has been cleaned off.

Upclose pic of the verticutting on #17 green
#17 verticut

Marco verticutting #18 green

Friday, July 10, 2009


6" core from soil probe on #10 green. That's a pretty healthy root growing out the bottom

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

#15 fairway is all clean and ready to mow today.
Vicente circle cuts #15 fairway

This is #10 fairway this morning after being circle cut.

This is a pile of the aerification cores from #8 green. It represents 10% of the total surface area of the green.


#2 fairway after this mornings aerification.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fairways are blown off after dragging.
Manuel drags fairway aerification cores to seperate soil from thatch and debris.

Vicente rolls and brushes green to smooth them out and distribute sand evenly.

Topdressed greens after afternoon mowing

Mowed greens for the first time today since aerification

Marco aerifying #15 fairway

Sebastian starts aerifying #16 approach

#10 Fairway after this mornings aerification

A view of #15 approach and fairway after this mornings aerifications

#10 Blue/White tee 5 days after aerification and verticutting

A closeup look at #9 green 6 days after aerification.